2. Accurate Facts
We rely on our authors to provide accurate facts in their books. We can feel good about sharing books from quality series and reliable authors with our children. There are resources like the book council that recommend nonfiction books based on accuracy. Also, educators can have students look at books on a topic and have the students look for facts that might be in disagreement across resources. Then, this would be an opportunity for students to do research on the topic. I think students, as well as teachers, like it when books have websites at the end of the book so students can do further research. Elementary students can depend on series like Time For Kids and National Geographic.
3. Scope and Purpose
The scope and purpose can be broad or narrow when looking at nonfiction. It's Perfectly Normal has a broad topic of sex and changing bodies. It's So Amazing, for younger children, has a more narrow scope of sexual reproduction.
4. Organization
The organization of a nonfiction book can assist readers finding information easily. It is important that readers can do this without wasting too much time.
Good Organizational Tools:
- Table of contents
- Index
- Suggestions for further reading
- Timeline
- Glossary
- Bibliography
Teachers and librarians need to spend time teaching this reading skill to children. Many teachers prefer reading fiction books and the skill of reading nonfiction text takes a backseat. These organizational tools are very important during tests, research, and pleasure reading. As a mom of three boys, and a classroom teacher of ESL boys, I remember that many boys prefer nonfiction and make sure that I teach this skill!
5. Role of Visuals
Visuals elaborate the text and help break the text into chunks. When the text is divided, it allows the reader not to become overwhelmed with too many words.
- Archival photos
- Graphic organizers
- Maps
- Charts
- Photographs
Questions To Ask About Nonfiction Books:
What would this book be like if it was written 50 years earlier or later?
What is your favorite illustration?
Would this be a good documentary?
Explain what the author did to research for this book.
What kind of teacher would this author be?
What would you ask the author during an interview?
What does the title tell you?
I had never thought of these questions before. I plan on using these in my next nonfiction book discussion!
Chapter 12-Fantasy & Science Fiction
There are two types of Science Fiction: Hard Sci Fi and Soft Sci Fi. Hard Sci Fi has more science than story. Soft sci fi is more story than science. There are the similar subjects and conflicts in science fiction as there are in other genres. If I had realized this, I might have been reading more of the genre. Until Hunger Games and Divergent, I didn't read much science fiction.
First of all, there is a great resource to use to recommend science fiction books to your students.
See below:
There are 9 categories of science fiction books. I will describe the category and list books in each category for you to read.
1. Apocalyptic/Post Apocalyptic- These books
will describe times during or many years after the catastrophe. There is a primitive setting with survival skills. I like the quote "Will you be a survivor or a statistic?" My son is in 7th grade and he had to take a written survival test and he learned that he would be a survivor. I wouldn't last a day if I didn't have my cell phone so I could call my mom. What a baby!
The Testing
Tumble and Fall
A Matter of Days
Monument 14
The Rule of Three
Life As We Knew It
The 5th Wave
Grasshopper Jungle
Phil Bildner, children's author, came to visit my elementary school. He told us what books he was reading. He was reading Grasshopper Jungle, so I bought and read the book. I love getting book ideas from others. I think that is important for teachers to remember!
2. Steampunk-technology, Cyberpunk-hacking, computers, Biopunk-genetic engineering, DNA, putting things into your brain.
This would be something I would watch in a movie, but I didn't know this book category existed. As an elementary teacher, I think I've been sheltered.
Killer of Enemies
Etiquette and Espionage
Little Brother
Dearly, Departed
I think the topics are frightening, but the titles are intriguing. I know I don't want anything in my head, but my own brain!
3. Dystopia- In this kind of story, you will see propaganda to control citizens, citizens under constant surveillance, individuality discouraged, resistance to government, character is disillusioned and joins rebellion.
This is where I got hooked into reading Hunger Games and Divergent. As soon, as I read these books, I understood the meaning of dystopia and wanted to read more.
It is also necessary to point out that sometimes a dystopia book might also have characteristics of a post apocalyptic book. Many of these subcategories do that.
The Declaration
Under the Never Sky
Article 5
I am putting these on my must read list!
4. Extra-Sensory Perception (ESP)- I had to laugh because it took me a minute to figure out the initials ESP. These books have to do with second sight, telepathy, being clairvoyant, and knowledge of the future. The first thing I thought of was Edward and his family's powers in Twilight. Yes, I am a fan!
The Diviners
*Dr. Perry book talked this and it is too scary for me. My mom would love it! Happy Mother's Day!
Eat Brains Love
Dead is The New Black
* He takes on other people's pain. I want to read this one!!!
Hidden Talents

5. Robots, Androids, Cyborgs, and Artificial Intelligence
This is an interesting category. The books have characters that are half human/half robot and clones. The only cyborg I know of is on the Justice League.
Eve and Adam
Girl Parts
6. Space, Aliens, Extraterrestrials- books have alien invasion, colonization, and first contact.
The book that I recently read in this category is The Knife of Never Letting Go. The story is about a boy who has to flee his town to save his life. Everyone can hear each other's thoughts and it is called "Noise." When running to a new town, he meets a girl whose spacecraft has just crashed. This is book was different that what I normally read, but I enjoyed the story line of the friendship between the girl and the boy and I was rooting for his safety.
Black Hole Sun
These Broken Stars
I have Mothership on my must read list. It sounds like it has a lot of humor and drama in it. It is about a spaceship school for pregnant moms and the teachers are aliens who want to steal the babies. Wow!
7. Time Travel/ Parallel Universes- Characters time travel because they are taken by force, to escape death, or to save someone.
My son and I love to watch the Flash every Tuesday night and I have learned a lot about time travel by watching that show. Going back in time, can really mess things up! I just read When You Reach Me by Rebecca Stead. Time travel saves someone's life in this book.
The Here and Now
The Power of Un
8. Virtual Reality/Gaming- The character in this book could be lost in the gaming world, have a chip implanted, could die in the virtual world and in the the real world.
The Eyes of Minds
Ready Player One

This seems like a category that would get more kids to read. My son is a good reader, but a reluctant reader. I always think we need to find the right author or right series. I'm going to show him these books and see what he might like!
9. Miscellaneous-There are some books that don't fit into any category.
Dull boy
The Originals
The Memory of After
Things Not Seen
In The After
When We Wake
What's Left Of Me
Evaluating Science Fiction and Fantasy:
1. Characters must be consistent and believable.
2. Fantasy world must have rules.
3. Author has to create a way for readers to suspend disbelief
4. Themes should have universal truths.
Chapter 13-Graphic Novels
What is a graphic novel?
A graphic novel is a format. It is a story, sequential art, that can be written for elementary, middle school, high school, or an adult. I love this description-it is where "art and text unite."
It is an extension of a comic book. A graphic novel tells a story using pictures. These are gaining more credibility as they win awards such as Newbery and Printz. I would point this out to teachers and parents because many still believe it is not "real" literature.
How To Use In The Classroom:
- teaching tool
- more concrete so it is easier to teach symbolism, flashbacks, etc.
- visual literacy
- independent reading
- book talks
- just for fun
Great Resource:
I am so excited about this resource. Chip Kidd worked on Jurassic Park and in this book he teaches about graphic design. I have many artistic children in my class who would love this book. I've already emailed our librarian to see if she'll order a copy for our school!
2016 Graphic Novel Reading List:
Major Types of Graphic Novels:
1. Manga- Japanese style comic
These are extremely popular. I have friends with middle schoolers who read these non-stop! Then, they buy t-shirts and practice drawing like the artists.
2. Superhero Story-Marvel, DC, Darkhorse
My elementary students read these books. I feel I can easily talk to the boys about these books since I am familiar with the characters. It is a good graphic novel for my students who need more picture help.
3. Personal narratives- autobiographical stories
This is the kind of book that I normally read. I am looking forward to trying to read this "perzine" and introducing it to my students.
4. Non-fiction- autobiographical but a greater social issue
When I read the memoir Persepolis, I kept thinking about Mari's hardships growing up in a warring country. I teach in an ESL program where many of my students have left countries because they are not safe. This book really touched home. It is amazing that a graphic novel could be so moving and make me think about social issues very deeply.
Parts of A Graphic Novel:
- Cover
- Inside page
- Panels
- Gutters (white space between panels)
- Dialog balloons (points with speech)
- Thought balloons (round with words)
- Captions( rectangular/Ex: Later that day)
- Sound effects (Rrrumble!)
I've been guilty of thinking that graphic novels are for pleasure reading. I now know how to use them in the classroom. I'm glad I have the correct vocabulary to use as I teach the parts of a page. Also, I love the idea of using an e-book so students can see how to read from left to right and top to bottom.
Common Core Standards-E/LA
Texas is not a common core state, but we can use these to look at graphic novels. CCR shows how we can get students as young as kindergarten ready for college.
Grade 3- These books can be used for CCR to describe character:
This is a hugely popular graphic novel with the girls. The colors are pink, black, and silver Babymouse is so likable and is a good introduction to graphic novels.
Once again, you can see that this book has just 3 main colors. This is an important element in graphic novels.
Lunch Lady
When I was a teacher at Francone Elementary, many years ago, the author of Lunch Lady visited our school. He was so amazing that I have been a big fan ever since!
Other popular graphic novels for this age group and this CCS:
Cleopatra In Space- puts Cleopatra in a different setting
Lumberjanes-challenges stereotypes
The Nameless City
Last of the Sandwalkers
This is on my must read list. It is a National Book Award Finalist. I love that the girl character is full figured!!!
Grade 7-CCS- Determine Word Meaning
Students can have an easier time with word meaning when reading a graphic novel because the illustrations provide scaffolding.
Little Dee and the Penguin
Lucy and Andy Neanderthal
These books are multicultural.
More books:
Space Dumplins
Gettysburg-The Graphic Novel
The Silence of Our Friends
Olympian Series:
George O'Connor includes lots of research and includes author notes.
There are graphic novels that take a higher level story and make it easier for lower level readers to understand.
For example:
The Odyssey
The Merchant of Venice
The Golden Compass
If a student reads this, he will still be able to participate in class discussions. I think this is a valuable tool for ADHD, Special Education, and ESL students.
I am especially excited to see that The Graveyard Book was changed into a graphic novel. This is one of my favorite books and I can't wait to read the graphic novel!
Grade 5-Compare and Contrast 2 or more Characters
These are two graphic novel fairy tales:
Calamity Jack and Rapunzel's Revenge
I enjoyed reading this book! She uses her braids as a lasso. I teach ESL students who just moved to the United States. They need to read fairy tales, but they don't want to read a baby book. These graphic novels are perfect for them!
Comics Squad Recess!- This is a collection of graphic novel stories. It is written by top name authors. It's fun to recognize who did the artwork. I like that there are multiple styles in one book. Students can find a favorite author and then find more books by that author.
Grade 9-10: Non-fiction
Here are some examples of non-fiction graphic novels:
Steve Jobs
One Dead Spy
Big Bad Ironclad
Donner Dinner Party
Treaties, Trenches, Mud, and Blood
This is one of my favorite non-fiction graphic novels:
It has great information about three women scientists who research primates. I enjoyed the section about Jane Goodall. It is inspiring!
Grade 8-Points of View
Students will get a kick out of all the facts about garbage.
My Friend Dahmer- This graphic novel contains author notes and research. It states that the kids that grew up with Dahmer knew that there was something wrong with him, but the adults didn't do anything.
Howtoons- I emailed this to the science teachers at my school. These graphic novels contain science experiments. This looks like a super fun book!
Grade 3- Compare and contrast
Fable Comics
Compare graphic novels by same author:
Faith Erin Hicks
Gene Luen Yang
It is exciting to note that many authors of Graphic Novels are WOMEN!!! See the following list:
Roz Chast
Emily Carroll
Maggie Thrash
Raina Telgemeier
Sveltlana Chmakova
Noelle Stevensen
Lucy Knisley
What do you do if you need help finding good graphic novels?
- review journals
- comic book shops
- review websites (noflyingnotights)