Sunday, February 26, 2017


What is an infographic?

I listened to Albert Cairo's podcast to get the explanation of an infographic.  An infographic is a visual representation of evidence or information.  You take raw information and transform it into visual information that a person can understand. It has a storytelling component so there is a depth of a topic.  Albert Cairo is good at creating infographics because he is very knowledgeable about numbers and visuals.

Infographics is new to me so I explored three webapps before creating my own infographic.

1.  I liked that it was easy to sign in and it is
for free.  It used some of the same features as Microsoft Office.  I followed the tutorials to make a Venn Diagram.  I think this is a good one for teachers to use because many topics lend themselves to comparisons.  This was straightforward and easy to use.  The topic in the video physical changes vs. chemical changes is a topic that many science students could use.  The user can spend time making the background and texts a different color so it would be personalized.

2.  Piktochart-  I found this the easiest to use for my topic.  I was able to easily change the text samples to what I wanted to write.  It had graphics for my subject or I could have uploaded my own pictures.  I enjoyed using this format.  It had a tutorial when you sign up.  I didn't know how to make my project public and I could search the question to get an immediate answer.

3.  I liked this program, when I watched the tutorial.  I thought that I was going to use this to make a graph.  I had trouble knowing what graph to use.  I think that maybe if I was a better data collector, that I would have been better at making a selection.  This is a great program to make bar graphs, line graphs, and pie charts.

I did my research on "Writing, Technology, and Teens." This is my infographic:


  1. Enjoyed reading your post. Nice job on your infographic!
    Jennifer Dalen

  2. Shannon,

    Your infographic is interesting because the link for it is almost like a powerpoint. In the past, I had only thought about infographics as one single image, but I like how piktochart allowed you to take each individual "block" and give it its own slide.

  3. I also had trouble using I can definitely see how it can be useful, but it is going to take more time for me to be able to fully use the capabilities of that site.

  4. My favorite web app was Piktochart. I was not able to access it because their server was down. Love your infographic!
