Quintero, I. (2014). Gabi: A girl in pieces. TX: Cinco Puntos. Gabi is a senior in high school and has all the typical high school drama plus more. She comes from a Mexican American family and she is irritated when people question her heritage because her skin is too white. Her father is a drug addict and her young brother gets in trouble. Her best friend Cindy has been date raped and is pregnant. Her other best friend Sebastian has announced that he is gay. Gabi has body issues always thinking she is too fat, but she loves to eat as much as she loves poetry. She finally gets her first kiss and her first boyfriend. This is a wonderful, funny, and touching story about a very talented girl who has a bright future at Berkeley being a poet. When talking about Young Adult books being a mirror to a reader's life, this could mirror many young adults. I loved the poetry in the book and I'm not a big fan of poetry. I love that it is a multicultural story. I had fun reading the little parts of Spanish and the talk of Spanish foods made me hungry. This is a book that I would pass out by the handfuls in a high school!
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